
End of Wits

I'm so tired of facing this life. I have many things happening inside my head but I don't have anyone whom I can comfortably tell them to. Is death a better solution?

If I Can't Get There

I'm not sure whether I can get the girl that I want to become the partner of my life. I'm afraid of growing a dream. It's always been firing back at me to get me back to zero point, and I think I'm going that way. It is scary as hell.


I'll finish all the tasks then reward myself with cool stuff.

If You Can't Forgive, Learn to Forget

 The post-effect is tough.

Be Strong

 Even when everybody's stiking a pose

Yok Bisa Yok

 Keluar dari lingkaran kehidupan laknat ini

Terbang Berputar

Entah apa ini yang memasuki kamarku. Dia nampak seperti serangga biasa, namun sebagai orang berasumsi macam-macam. Apakah ini pertanda baik? Apakah ini pertanda buruk? Apakah ini malaikat pengantar rejeki? Pencatat amal? Pencabut nyawa? Ah aku tak peduli lagi. Citaku kini hanya hidup tenang, sehat dan selamat. Cukup sudah menjalani hiruk-pikuk kehidupan, cukup sudah menderita sakit, cukup sudah menghadapi bahaya. Aku lelah.