
Showing posts from July, 2006


Perubahan Liga Itali Inter 76 (Champions, penyisihan goup) Roma 69 (Champions, penyisihan goup) Chievo 54 (Champions, kualifikasi) Palermo 52 (Champions, kualifikasi) Livorno 49 (UEFA Cup) Empoli 45 (UEFA Cup) Parma 45 (UEFA Cup) Milan 44 Ascoli 43 Udinese 43 Sampdoria 41 Reggina 41 Cagliari 39 Siena 39 Messina 31 Lecce 29 Treviso 21 Lazio (degradasi) Fiorentina (degradasi) Juventus (degradasi). comment: malangnya nasib Juve-ku. tapi itulah akibat kecurangan yang telah diperbuat. Fun With Zidane Another Article New Bookmarks powered by performancing firefox

Not Hate, Not Shame, Just Disappointed

high and low.. anak-anak XSIP minta gw kontribusi logo.. pas gw kirim, nggak ada komentar.. kemaren chatting ama Mirna, besoknya ke KBRI, ketemu banyak cewe anak-anak sekolah.. malemnya di rumah banyak cewe dateng.. berobat ama temen serumah.. di KPJ terjadi kekacauan lagi.. kegiatan melesu.. sampe-sampe tour yang biasanya jadi acara yang paling ditunggu-tunggu.. dibatalkan.. karena kekurangan peserta.. gw gatel pengen turun tangan.. tapi terhalang oleh tujuan awal para pengurus tahun ini.. profesionalisme.. buletin Fajar ngadain rapat. padahal yang dirapatkan adalah hal yang berkaitan dengan gw. tapi mereka bilang gw nggak perlu diundang.. sedangkan dalam rapat tersebut membahas acara yang akan gw presentasikan.. gw mau pulang.. tapi blom ada kabar dari pusat.. cuma satu berita yang membahagiakan.. gw tetap bermain bola. akankah kuteruskan perjuanganku disini? powered by performancing firefox

Told I Love Her

horeee.. akhirnya untuk yang pertama kalinya gw ngomong langsung bahebbik kepada seorang wanita. aneh sih, karena (kayaknya) tiba-tiba aja gw ngomong gitu ke dia. padahal sebenernya gw udah persiapan mental dari jauh-jauh hari.. biar nggak stress.. dan persiapan gw berhasil. though her response is not satisfying enough.. because i'm not asking much. i'm satistied enough karena gw ternyata bisa.. mengungkapkan. and that's enough. the bad news is, she's already taken.. by a man, a protective one.. and she feel safe when he's around.. and that's fine. mungkin blom waktunya buat gw kli yeh.. atau emang nggak sama sekali? kalau bener begitu, gw cuma pengen 2 hal. i want to live alone in peace.. and die alone in peace.. that's it. no forcing. powered by performancing firefox

A Brain

The human brain thinks in pictures. Although we read words printed on a page, our brain converts them to images that it “sees”.  We may listen to others talk, but, again, our brain converts the spoken words to pictures.  This is much like a computer taking my words that I’m typing into it and converting them into 1’s and 0’s so it can understand me. The human brain learns — and remembers — new information by associating it to something it already knows.  In schools, we administrators insist that teachers, prior to introducing new material, “activate prior knowledge”.  One day, this may mean simply reviewing the previous day’s lesson.  Another day, this may mean doing an activity that forces the student to recall something that they had learned as a result of environmental experiences.  In either case, the student “sharpens the hook” upon which new information will be hung. The human brain remembers wild and outrageous things easier than the mundane.  Imagine driving to work and seeing