
Showing posts from December, 2020


I think I'm just a lucky weak guy. I wonder when will I improve. I wonder when will I run out of luck. I wonder when will I need no luck. Do I need to stop considering when it's about decisions for myself? I can just do the old style; hide until things are calm. But that won't improve myself. I need to do something about this.

"You love me"

Yes, my love, this is the feeling that I share and will always do only with you everyday. And I know that you love me too.

She is Perfect

She is perfect!

9th Month

She feels grateful. I feel blessed. Wonderful.

First Challenge in Relationship

Recently, she is quite busy recently while I am not so busy. I wonder what does she feel when we don't talk as often as we did. The mystery in discovering someone's feeling is kind of annoying. I always love her, but I can't tell how her feelings are because of the distance. I want to believe in her feelings. I just don't know how to set my mind. I have questions.