Stressed & Mad

i think i'm mad again.. i don't know what makes me think like that but i'm sure that my "mad" situation is really happening again to me.

listrik putus untuk sekian lama gara-gara tetangga.. trus kita yang bayar. komputer pas mo dipake, corrupt (akibat listrik putus mendadak). gw melakukan banyak kesalahan dalam pergaulan akhir-akhir ini.. bored, bored, bored.


somehow i feel lika an outcast of the society.. outcast of life. anyone may deny it, but do they really know about everything that happened in my life? i don't think so.. so don't ever try to judge me.

because of those feelings.. i could be a very sensituve guy. so easy to be irritated. and still, i can't fully control myself. and after the unwanted things happened.. i'll begin to

aargh! i feel really sick of myself. unstable.


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