Told I Love Her

horeee.. akhirnya untuk yang pertama kalinya gw ngomong langsung bahebbik kepada seorang wanita. aneh sih, karena (kayaknya) tiba-tiba aja gw ngomong gitu ke dia. padahal sebenernya gw udah persiapan mental dari jauh-jauh hari.. biar nggak stress.. dan persiapan gw berhasil. though her response is not satisfying enough.. because i'm not asking much. i'm satistied enough karena gw ternyata bisa.. mengungkapkan. and that's enough.

the bad news is, she's already taken.. by a man, a protective one.. and she feel safe when he's around.. and that's fine.

mungkin blom waktunya buat gw kli yeh.. atau emang nggak sama sekali? kalau bener begitu, gw cuma pengen 2 hal. i want to live alone in peace.. and die alone in peace.. that's it. no forcing.

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