What Was Then Again

A self-note.

For my foolish parts.

An idiot.

And idiot. 

I screwed up many things in my past.

Will there still be a bright future? 

Why? Why? Why?

That's the questions questioning..

Demanding a satisfying answer. 

But there's no real satisfying answer.

Satisfaction is you.

So, decide.

But how do I decide when everything is so blurry, that you barely see anything clear enough?

You can't wait. There's no more time to lose.

So what should I do?

I can't do this.

I can't do this.

Yes, you can. And you know you can sense it too.

That someone out there is there with you, supporting you.

I know! I know! But what's the use of those illusional support?

How would I know if they are really supporting me?

I don't know.

Meh, I'm enough with illusions.

I'll leave. I'll be on my own.


Yes. But this time it'll be different. 

Don't you need someone to be with you? 

I don't know.


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