Trying To Control

dua hari ini kepala gw pusing. banyak masalah. dan gw gak bisa nyelesainnya sekaligus. jadi, gw pikir gw harus beresin dulu msalah yang masih segar di akal gw. pertama, ****** gw. solusi satu-satunya, gw harus memaksakan diri gw dalam hal ini hingga gw cinta, klo nggak bisa ancur hidup gw. dan gw tau gw pasti nyesel klo gw lengah.

then, about a man's normal life. i think about her these days. it's the second time i'm doing this, but it feels more like the first time. while writing this, i'm listening (only) to 3 doors down's here without you. every single word described exactly like what i feel now.

and before i write this, i look over her words and things about her. i just recognized that she's popular. in fact, i'm saying that she is one of the best person i've ever met. she is not perfect, but deep down inside.. there are so many beautiful things in her.

but now i realize, that i'm not allowed drowning in these feelings. i have to wake up and live my life. i have to collect my spirit again to do something useful to succeed. i have to prove that i'm not out of control.

when you say that you can't say sorry for only once
and you say sorry and sorry again

i want to thank you
and i will always thank to you
because everything from you is a lesson

gw baru sadar
kalau hal ini bisa terjadi
inilah satu lagi pelajaran baru darimu
menambah pengalaman gw
membuat gw semakin dewasa

ps: hari ini gw jadi dalem banget ya..
spent 3 hours to finish this one.


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